How many of you currently throw away expired coupons? How many of you knew that expired coupons can still be used? Well they can!!
Did you know that American families living Overseas (outside the US) can use expired coupons up to 1 year after its expiration?
So start saving those coupons that expire soon or has already expired and donate them here -- we will mail out for you!
To Donate with HI Savers:
- Clip the coupons (Shipping extra paper will be costly)
- Only donate coupons under 2 months pasted expiration date
- Separate them into FOOD & NON-FOOD categories
- Tally the totals of each category
- Do not include rubberbands or paperclips
- Put into separate zip lock bags
- please include a dollar or two with your baggies to help with the shipping cost!
- and give to a HI Saver rep :)
Mail to:
PO BOX 7283
Hilo, HI 96720
Or email:
to schedule a pick up